
Wage Garnishment

A wage garnishment is when a court orders that an employer withhold a certain sum of money from a paycheck. In Alabama, once the money is withheld, it is then mailed to the clerk of the court. The clerk will then forward the money to person or company until each pay period until the debt is paid in full. However, before your wages can be garnished, a person or company must file a lawsuit in state or federal court against you and win that lawsuit. If the person or company wins, the court will issue a judgment. A judgment is a legal document which states that the party wins and how much money, costs and interest that is owed. The judgment then allows the person or company to garnish your wages or to even seize your property. Yes, it sounds complicated, but basically if you are sued and lose, then the winning party can take your money and property!! It is a harsh concept, but it happens every day!

Often, people have their wages garnished for judgments and allow the garnishments to go on for years thinking nothing can be done! Please, don’t let this happen if you currently have a garnishment or you are facing a garnishment! Interest and attorney fees accumulate on the judgment which makes the amount owed grow higher and higher. Interest on a judgment accumulates at 7.5% per year! In fact, some people lose up to 25% of their gross income each pay period to garnishments! Why let this happen when a phone call to the Montgomery bankruptcy lawyers or Selma bankruptcy lawyers at The Sellers Law Firm can start the process of stopping this!

Don’t let this happen! Our bankruptcy lawyers at The Sellers Law Firm can stop this! If you are having your wages garnished, a Chapter 7 bankruptcy or Chapter 13 debt consolidation may be an option. Filing bankruptcy can instantly stop wage garnishments and protect your future earnings from being garnished. Any money that is being held by the clerk of the court will be returned to you upon the filing of a bankruptcy or debt consolidation petition. With creditors taking up to 25% of your paycheck, many individuals find themselves falling behind on bills, car payments, house payments and end up in a much worse situation. Before you get behind due to a wage garnishment, call the experienced Montgomery bankruptcy lawyers and Selma bankruptcy lawyers at The Sellers Law Firm.

The moment that you file the bankruptcy is the moment that your garnishment must stop according to the law! Once we file the petition, the bankruptcy court issues a “stay,” which is like an injunction, and it prevents any more money from being collected through the garnishment. By meeting with one of our experienced and knowledgeable bankruptcy lawyers, you will learn what your rights are, get your questions answered and upon filing of the Chapter 7 or Chapter 13, we will be able to stop garnishments and put more of your hard-earned money back in your pocket where it belongs!

Bankruptcy may be your best option and it may be possible to discharge the judgment or account by filing a Chapter 7 bankruptcy or Chapter 13 debt consolidation. The goal of the bankruptcy lawyers at The Sellers Law Firm is for you to keep as much of your hard-earned money as possible. We fight creditors in every way and every day! At The Sellers Law Firm, we have helped thousands of individuals and families statewide save their homes, their cars and their hard-earned wages. Having a bankruptcy lawyer who knows how to protect you and your property is vital. Call today for your free consultation. Remember that doing nothing, changes nothing!

Call or text the experienced Montgomery, Selma, and Central Alabama bankruptcy lawyers at The Sellers Law Firm today at 334-LAWYERS (334-529-9377) . There is never a fee for a consultation, and our phone lines are answered 24 hours a day. We can usually meet with you within 24 hours of contacting us! People would always ask us, “Why don’t you have an office near me?” We finally answered that “near me” question a few years ago! We have locations throughout central Alabama in Montgomery, Selma, Greenville, and Troy. You may also contact us by email at, use the Contact Us link on our website. Remember that doing nothing, changes nothing!

The Sellers Law Firm is designated a debt relief agency by an Act of Congress and the President of the United States. We have proudly assisted people seeking relief under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code for four decades.

Client Reviews
Brandon was my first choice for an attorney because he is part of the community and you see him at the local store or PTA meetings and he always has time for you and answer your concerns. Ronica Phifer
The Sellers Law Firm represented me in my social security case, and later in my Chapter 7 bankruptcy. I have been very happy with all that you have done for me, and I refer people to you all the time. Thanks for all that you have done for me and my family. Angie Langford
I would like to start out by saying Brandon sellers is more than a lawyer that has helped my family out in numerous occasions but he's also a great friend to our family. Whenever he can't find a resolution for the problem he always recommends somebody that can. I've known him for years grew up together always been really good friends. I like to say in closing I'm really glad I know him I'm glad he's been able to help us when we've needed him. Thanks for everything you've done. Timothy Palmer
The sellers law firm is the best in Alabama they are friendly and very professional from the attorneys to the people in the office. They where very helpful throughout the whole process and even after it was over. So if you are in need for a bankruptcy firm give Brandon sellers a call you won't be disappointed Thank you Again Brian Floyd
I highly recommend Sellers Law Firm, they are fantastic and care about their clients. They walk you through step by step and advise you of your options. Sheila Wright
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